
Recent Reviews for Dr. John Shank

John R. Shank, MD

Location & Phone

Orthopedic Office Locations:

CO Springs Briargate:
2446 Research Pkwy, Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Phone: (719) 623-1050
Fax: (719) 623-1051

CO Springs Chapel Hills:
2430 Research Pkwy, Suite 205
Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Phone: (719) 623-1050
Fax: (719) 623-1051

CO Springs South Lake:
1263 Lake Plaza Drive, Suites 210 B
Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Phone: (719) 623-1050
Fax: (719) 623-1051

Physical Therapy North:
2430 Research Pkwy, Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Phone: (719) 623-1795
Fax: (719) 623-1053

Physical Therapy South:
1263 Lake Plaza Drive, Suites 210 A
Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Phone: (719) 623-1795
Fax: (719) 623-1053

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From the Doctor's Desk

Back Injuries Common in Young Athletes


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