Mask Protocols
Effective 4/19/2022*, OCC Clinics will no longer require masks for vaccinated individuals if the county they reside in is at a low-risk level.
Definition of vaccinated: sourced from the CDC, A person is fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving all recommended doses in the primary series of their COVID-19 vaccination. At this time this would not require boosters, and would not until further updates to the CDC definition of “fully vaccinated” and approved by the OCC Board.
Fully Vaccinated Employees/Patients/Physicians are not required to mask indoors, including in patient-facing areas.
Unvaccinated Employees/Patients/Providers are required to wear masks indoors, including in non-patient-facing areas. Masks must be medical grade for OCC staff.
*With the absence of any State or Local mandates, masking will be re-implemented based on the COVID-19 Community Level as determined by the CDC Website. A risk level of medium or high would require all employees/patients/physicians wear a medical-grade mask regardless of vaccination status. These statuses are updated weekly, on Thursdays.