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Warning Signs of a Shoulder Condition

Do you have a shoulder pain that makes you wonder whether you have a shoulder problem or if it’s just a normal ache that will go away? If so, below are some warning signs that may signify a shoulder condition. 

Main Indicators of a Shoulder Problem

If you experience any of the following problems with your shoulder, it’s a good idea to have it checked out by an orthopedic physician:

Range of Motion 

Range of motion refers to the flexibility of movement with your shoulder. If you notice a decrease in range of motion, or if you cannot move it as well as you normally can, you may have a shoulder condition. Something is wrong inside the shoulder joint that is preventing normal movement.


Swelling is often the sign of an internal injury or condition. If you notice swelling on the shoulder, a doctor can diagnose and treat the condition so the swelling lessens or goes away completely.


When the shoulder functions properly, it does not hurt to perform regular movements. However, when you have a shoulder condition or injury, some or all of the functionality in the shoulder is hindered, and the slightest movements can cause pain.


Another sign of a shoulder condition is a physical deformity. If you notice a bump, bulge, or difference in how your shoulder appears as compared to the other shoulder, have a doctor evaluate the issue. Even if you are not experiencing pain, it may indicate an underlying problem that should be treated.

Common Shoulder Conditions

If you do have a shoulder condition, it is likely due to one of the following common issues: 

Rotator Cuff Tear 

The rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles in your shoulder that help the shoulder to rotate. It’s where the humerus (upper arm bone) meets the socket of the shoulder.

A torn rotator cuff can be a result of an accident, the aging process, or overuse in a sport or profession. Susceptible professionals include painters, carpenters, and athletes such as baseball players and tennis players – all of whom perform overhead motions frequently.

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder happens when the connective tissue that encapsulates your shoulder area (ligaments, tendons, and bones) thickens and tightens. This results in less range of motion for the shoulder. Frozen shoulder can also cause pain when you attempt to move it too much.


A fracture happens when too much force or pressure is put on a bone, and it cracks or breaks into pieces. Fractures in the shoulder can happen because of injuries, accidents, or weak bones due to conditions like osteoporosis.


Bursitis happens when the bursa, a fluid-filled sac responsible for cushioning the shoulder joint, becomes inflamed due to overuse or injury. Bursitis causes pain when you move the shoulder.

Orthopedic Surgeon in Colorado

The Colorado Center of Orthopaedic Excellence provides comprehensive orthopedic care to our patients. Our orthopedic physicians treat musculoskeletal conditions, diseases, and injuries of all kinds.

If you suspect that you have a shoulder condition or any other type of orthopedic issue, call us at (719) 623-1050 today to make an appointment. You can also request an appointment online now. We look forward to helping you enjoy a more active, pain-free lifestyle again.

What is Swan Neck?

The fingers are made up of bones called phalanges. The phalanges in each joint are separated by two joints called interphalangeal joints (IP joint). The two joints are the distal IP joint (DIP joint), meaning further away, and the proximal IP joint (PIP joint), meaning the middle or closer in. These IP joints of the fingers are like hinge joints, allowing us to have mobility with our hands, including straightening and bending. 

The tendons allow each of our finger joints to be able to flex and straighten completely. These are called extensor tendons. The extensor tendons come from the muscles that arise from the backside of the bones located in the forearm. These muscles travel toward the hand, where they eventually connect to the extensor tendons before crossing over the back of the wrist joint.

Then, the extensor tendons become what is called the extensor hood. The extensor hood becomes flat in order to cover the top of the finger. The extensor hood sends out branches of ligaments (tough bands of tissue) to connect the bones in the middle and end of the finger. When the extensor muscles contract, they tug on the extensor tendon, allowing the joints to work together, so that the finger can straighten and bend.

Finger position and movement of the hand occur from the balanced actions of many important structures, that work cohesively when everything is normal. Ligaments support the finger joints, muscles hold and give our fingers the ability to move, while tendons help control the motion of each finger. Any injury or condition can disturb the balance and inner workings of all these parts, altering functionality and the alignment and structure of the hand and fingers. The result may be a condition call swan neck.

What is Swan Neck?

Swan neck is a deformity, in simple terms, a crooked finger. The PIP joint (the joint in the middle of the main knuckle and DIP joint), includes the strongest ligament called the volar plate. These ligaments connect on the palm side of the joint. As the ligament tightens when the finger is straight, the PIP joint is protected from bending back too far, or hyperextending. Swan neck deformity occurs when the PIP joint in the finger becomes hyperextended and the DIP joint at the end of the finger is flexed, causing a crooked finger.

Swan neck symptoms include inflammation from injury, or conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), causing pain and swelling of the PIP joint. This imbalance causes the finger to look like a swan’s neck, bent and abnormally crooked.

Your doctor will physically examine your finger, and sometimes order an X-ray to check your joints and look at the alignment, to fully diagnosis the problem. Treatment for swan neck deformity can be nonsurgical or surgical, depending upon the severity of the deformity. The approach your doctor chooses will also depend on whether the proximal IP joint is flexible or stiff.

 While the term deformity connotes a visual disturbance, remember that it can also affect mobility and day-to-day function, so getting treatment is important! To learn more about swan neck deformity and how to treat it, call the orthopedic surgeons at Colorado Center of Orthopaedic Excellence in Colorado Springs at (719) 623-1050 or request an appointment online.