Entries by admin

Achilles Tendon Treatment Options

Achilles tendon pain treatments offer effective relief for tendonitis and Achilles tears. Although Achilles injuries are often the result of repetitive sports movements, daily activities can also lead to a tendon injury.

Total Shoulder Replacement

No one should have to suffer from shoulder pain when there are many treatments to alleviate the problem, including a Total Shoulder Replacement. Before any course of action is determined, however, a total assessment is key. The place to start is with a complete medical evaluation at the Colorado Center of Orthopaedic Excellence in Colorado […]

ACL Tears: How spring sports can lead to unexpected injury

Of the four ligaments that stabilize the knee joint, the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the most commonly injured. The ACL supports front-to-back and rotational joint function. It is very strong but not very elastic, so sudden twisting or stopping movements can cause it to stretch or tear possibly requiring ACL reconstruction surgery. […]

Tendinitis Elbow: When elbow strain leads to elbow pain.

  What is tendonitis elbow? Tendinitis elbow is one of the most common forms of tendinitis. When the tendon that connects the forearm muscles to the elbow bone becomes inflamed, lateral epicondylitis, or “tendinitis elbow” occurs. It’s also known as tennis elbow, and as the name implies, elbow tendon inflammation is frequently found in those […]

Take Care This Holiday Season to Avoid a Hand Injury

Need a hand this holiday season? Our hands and wrists perform countless holiday tasks that are often taken for granted until function is impaired. Did you know that the hand is comprised of more than 120 ligaments, 27 bones, 29 joints, and a network of delicate nerves? Hand and wrist injuries are common during the […]

There’s Still Time for a Pre Ski Season Workout Routine

While we wait for it to snow in Colorado, start a pre ski season workout plan to put you on track for a great year on the slopes. Ski season is technically underway, but there’s still time to help prepare your body for a winter full of fun and free from injury. As winter schedules […]

Frozen Shoulder: Why It Happens and How to Treat It

You’ve probably heard of frozen shoulder, but what is it and how can you recover? Shoulders are the most mobile joint in the human body, and this mobility is essential to get full use of your hands and arms. There are many causes of shoulder pain, but when your mobility is limited by pain, tightness, […]

Hip Replacement Surgery Options

Total, Partial, Anterior Hip replacement surgery options help patients achieve long-term relief from chronic hip pain. There are many treatment options for hip pain, but when nonsurgical hip treatments fail to provide sustained pain relief, many patients turn to total, partial or anterior hip replacements for pain relief and restored joint function. A diseased or […]

Total Hip Replacement: Is it a Fit for You?

Do you experience chronic hip stiffness or hip pain while resting or performing basic activities like tying your shoes or walking? If hip pain has been disrupting your lifestyle, you may be a candidate for total hip replacement. The hip’s ball and socket construction form one of your body’s biggest and most significant joints. But […]

Total Knee Replacement Surgery: What to Expect

Total knee replacement surgery can provide positive outcomes when knee pain and loss of mobility have eroded your quality of life and are limiting your daily low-impact activities. The procedure relieves pain and restores function lost from multiple damaged or diseased knee joint compartments. The decision to pursue total knee replacement surgery should be made […]